MQExtensionKit Docs (English)


Some custom categories for iOS with Objective-C.




Current Version 4.1.9

pod ‘MQExtensionKit’ , ‘~> 4.1.9’ // default is MQCore

pod ‘MQExtensionKit/MQFull’ , ‘~> 4.1.9’ . if you wanna install the whole Kit .


CCExtensionKit has no longer effect after version 3.7.0

cause after 3.7.0 , CCExtensionKit was renamed to 'MQExtensionKit' .

CCLocalLib has no longer effect after version 2.2.3

cause after 3.0.0 , CCLocalLib was renamed to 'CCExtensionKit' .

MQExtensionKit had import the AdSupport.framework.

therefore , be ware when submit your app to App Store .


when install , default is MQCore , MQCore contains

MQCommon (Macros) , MQProtocol (Protocol) , MQData (NS Family), MQView (UI Family) .

when you wanna get to Full , install with "MQExtensionKit/MQFull" . (MQFull contains MQCore , MQRouter , MQOrigin)


MQCore : Core extensions . a abstract collection .

MQFull : Full extensions (contains MQCore , MQRouter , MQOrigin) . an abstract collection .

MQCommon : Macros && Common tools .

MQProtocol : MQProtocol . for MQ . make all the sub-class of NSObject conforms to it .

MQData : a extension actions for NS family .

MQView : a extension actions for UI family .

MQOrigin : a kit that for develop for custom views / medias / datas .

MQRouter : a router for module developing . and “wrapper” was depended on MGJRouter (‘~> 0.9.3’) .

MQMedia : Media operate . video , audio , images , etc …

MQDataBase : Wrappers for Realm (‘~> 3.7.5’) && FCModel

note: due to the Realm‘s aggressive update , MQDataBase’s development will be temporarily pasued since 4.1.9 , and removed from MQExtensionKit.

MQCustom : Custom classes or functions , dependend or based on other vendors .

Design instruction

The most important was non-invade , which is , Can't change any original API through any DYNAMIC operates . (no method swizz (implement swap) , no search-path changed) , Make it based on the original APIs , and through non-invade ways to achieved convenient functions .

What’s new ?

See ChangeLog .


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


Already done in pod spec.


MQExtensionKit is available through CocoaPods. To install
it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "MQExtensionKit"




MQExtensionKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.